For OpenPetra, I wanted to build the installer for the Windows Remote Client on CentOS.

I know that NSIS (Nullsoft Scriptable Install System) is available for Debian, but I could not find a recent RPM package of NSIS for CentOS.

So I built my own RPM package for the latest stable version of NSIS, version 2.46, using the LightBuildServer. You can see the project here:

The sources for the package are hosted at Github:

You can install the RPM on CentOS 6 like this:

cd /etc/yum.repos.d/
yum install nsis

I use this NSIS RPM package to build OpenPetra in this LBS job: openpetra-server-test, and the sources are available at Github: openpetra-server-test sources.

By the way, the installer source for the OpenPetra remote client can be found here: remote.nsi

Please let me know if you want me to build NSIS for other CentOS versions too.

The source rpm is available here:

Packaging NSIS Nullsoft Installer for CentOS RPM
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