TBits.net is glad to announce that nightly tests now run every night against the nightly development packages of Kolab, for both CentOS 6 and Debian Wheezy.

At the moment, the nightly tests also run for the Kolab 3.3 Updates for CentOS 6.

Through these tests, we can spot problems and obvious bugs in the code early, when they are still easy to fix. This is TBits.net’s contribution to making Kolab more stable and reliable.

As soon as Kolab 3.4 is out (expected for the middle of February 2015), we will enable nightly tests for CentOS 6 and Debian Wheezy for Kolab 3.4.

You can see the tests and the results here: https://lbs.solidcharity.com/package/tbits.net/kolab-test/kolab-test

I use the TBits KolabScripts to install the server unattended.

The TBits KolabScripts also contain some Selenium tests written in Python. These tests check if the user can change his own password, and tests creating new domains and new users, sending emails, catchall addresses, etc.

Also the TBits scripts for ISPs are tested: These scripts add domain admins functionality to give customers the option to manage their own domains, limited by a domain quota and maximum accounts number.

We use the LightBuildServer for running the tests. This software is written in Python, by Timotheus Pokorra. It is very light-weight, does not come with much code, and is easy to extend and configure. It uses LXC to create virtual machines for each test or build run. You can see it live in action for Kolab

We now also initiate the nightly development packages with the LightBuildServer: https://lbs.solidcharity.com/package/tbits.net/kolab-nightly-sync/updatecode. This job is run every night, fetches the source from git.kolab.org, modifies the package version number, and uploads the new package instructions to obs.kolabsys.com so that they can be built on the OBS server sponsored by Kolab Systems.

If you want to test the nightly packages yourself, please read the chapter in the Kolab Developer Guide: http://docs.kolab.org/developer-guide/nightly-builds/install.html

Nightly builds and tests for CentOS and Debian
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