I posted a suggestion for this solution a while back: https://lists.kolab.org/pipermail/users/2015-September/019990.html

Now I needed to do it myself, in a multi-domain scenario: creating many user accounts from a list of names.

I used https://cgit.kolab.org/pykolab/tree/pykolab/cli/cmd_add_user.py for inspiration…

This is the code I came up with:

A sample call looks like this:

python createusers.py example.org de_DE "von und zu Berlin" "Heinrich" topsecreat
Creating Kolab users from commandline
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One thought on “Creating Kolab users from commandline

  • September 9, 2016 um 7:55 am

    I’m pretty sure you can omit ‘objectclass’. It will be derived from type_id+object_type.

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