I recently read about https://dply.co and wanted to give it a go.

The idea is that you can use a machine for free for 2 hours, and you can extend it by paying for additional time. You can use a script provided by someone else that configures the machine. This can be ideal for a quick test of Kolab, if you cannot fire up a virtual machine yourself at the moment.

You need a Github account, and need to have there a public SSH key configured. That will be used to give you access to the virtual machine.

One issue is that the amount of RAM is quite small, only 512 MB, and there is no swap configured. I have disabled Amavis and ClamAV for this reason, they are not required for a quick test of Kolab. I also added lines to the script to configure a 1 GB swap file.

So here is the button:

Click on it, make sure you select a CentOS7 machine, and you can start it! The installation will take about 10 or 15 minutes.

Update: modify the script at the top, instead of Kolab16 you can specify KolabWinterfell as well, if you want to test the latest development version of Kolab!

You can login to the machine over SSH (ssh root@your.dply.ip.address), and have a look at the log file if anything went wrong: /var/log/cloud-init-output.log

You can login to the Webadmin here: http://your.dply.ip.address/kolab-webadmin, with username: cn=Directory Manager and password: test

The Roundcube application runs at http://your.dply.ip.address/roundcubemail/

Installing Kolab 16 for testing on Dply for free for 2 hours
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