In the past days, I have upgraded my forums to the latest Beta release of Flarum, 0.1.0-beta.9.

I just want to say how glad I am with using Flarum. It does not need much resources, runs fine in shared hosting at Hostsharing, and is continually improved. Even though it is not a stable version yet, the upgrades work alright.

Here is a summary of contributions I am trying to give back to Flarum:

Here are now some links and notes about developing my own extension, Post Notifications:

For the frontend for the admin settings, I need to transpile the code (see Frontend Development: Transpilation). I don’t do that directly on Hostsharing, because I don’t have npm there, and don’t want to use up the webspace. Therefore I have the development environment on my local Ubuntu.

cd flarum-ext-post-notification
cd js
npm install webpack
npm install
npm run build
git add dist
cd ..
rsync -zvhr --exclude node_modules --exclude .git .

It seems for upgrading the extension across minor versions, I need to run composer require again, since composer update only updates between releases? Or perhaps I was too quick, and the new tag did not arrive at Packagist yet?

Working with Flarum for discussion forums and developing your own extension
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