The new Kolab 3.1 documentation is written in reStructuredText, using a tool called Sqhinx which was originally created for the Python documentation.
It is much easier to edit than the Publican notation used before for the Kolab 3.0 documentation.

The website for Sqhinx is here:

Some useful links for getting started with writing documentation with Sqhinx:

You find the sources of the Kolab Documentation here:

You can fork that repository, make your own changes, even online at github.
For more complex jobs, I recommend cloning your github fork locally, and work there, and commit and push when you are happy.
See also a good tutorial at Github for this:

It also makes sense to build the documentation locally, and have a look at your changes.

On CentOS, you need to do this:

yum install python-setuptools make
easy_install -U Sphinx
wget -O /etc/yum.repos.d/graphviz-rhel.repo
yum install graphviz-python graphviz-gd
git clone https://<your github username><your github username>/kolab-docs.git
cd kolab-docs
make html

You will find the result in the directory build/html

Contributing to Kolab documentation via github/sphinx
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